
CVA Canicattì was founded in 1969 in the wake of the Sicilian peasant movement. From its early beginnings, the project has been supported by the strong belief of numerous local farmers regarding the cultural value of viticulture and wine. Since the mid-2000s, their production philosophy has focused on enological excellence: a plan of investments in technology and organization, touching all productive sectors, allowed CVA Canicattì to set new and higher quality standards for wine-making. From vineyard management to marketing strategies, the goal has always been the same: to intercept the most demanding consumers offering wines with a high oenological profile and great value for money.

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    Canicatti Aquilae Nero d’Avola

    งดจำหน่ายให้ผู้ที่อายุต่ำกว่า 20 ปี

    Canicatti Aquilae Syrah

    งดจำหน่ายให้ผู้ที่อายุต่ำกว่า 20 ปี

    Canicatti Scialo (Nero d’Avola & Syrah)

    งดจำหน่ายให้ผู้ที่อายุต่ำกว่า 20 ปี

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