Domaine De L'Herre

The wines of Domaine de l’Herré express the full aromatic palette of Gascony. Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon Gris, Chardonnay, Colombard, Gros and Petit Mansengs thrive on this terroir.

Harvest and winemaking of the white wines

At optimum maturity, the grapes are harvested during the coolest hours of the night, inerted with nitrogen to protect them from oxidation and then brought directly into the INERTYS press, where they undergo temperature-controlled skin maceration. This pellicular maceration aims to migrate the aromatic precursors contained in the skins of the grapes to the juices. Thanks to a slow and careful pressing, it is practically only the drippings that will be kept cold until they are fermented.

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    Domaine De L'Herre  Sauvignon Blanc Cotes De Gascogne

    งดจำหน่ายให้ผู้ที่อายุต่ำกว่า 20 ปี

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