In 1958, three family companies merged to form Sanwa (san for ‘three’, wa for ‘harmony’). A fourth family joined the following year, and the newly formed company produced a diverse range of sake, wine, and shochu. In 1979, iichiko debuted as a shochu made from 100% barley and distilled only once – a premium class of shochu known as honkaku shochu. Today, iichiko is the leading brand of barley shochu in Japan. The Japanese concept of wa, or harmony, continues to be a guiding principle for iichiko today. A spirit of open, honest communication has allowed iichiko to continue to innovate and create award-winning products. And while iichiko’s distillation and bottling facilities are some of the most advanced in the world, the company continues to enjoy a family environment where everyone from the executives to new hires feel a deep sense of responsibility and commitment to excellence.
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