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Coravin Model Six Limited Edition Mica

ประเทศ (Country)

Wine accessory

Bar Accessory
Wine Preserver

Height : 8.62", Width : 1.94", Length : 3.86"

Injection Molded Plastic, Stainless Steel, Synthetic Elastomers, Chrome-Plating

Weight (kg)
1.2 lbs (with capsule installed) (540 g)
This luxury finish is only available for the holiday season. Limited Edition Mica brings the layered, natural beauty of the earth to your kitchen or bar. A glossy finish, metallic accents, and premium accessories offer a complete Coravin wine preservation experience. Available for a limited time.
How Coravin works
Access : Select a bottle of wine to enjoy (make sure it’s cork-sealed). Place your Coravin System on top and push the needle through.
Pour : Ensuring that the bottle is at a 45 degree angle press the trigger to pressurize and release it to pour wine into your glass. Tilt the bottle back to stop the pour.
Enjoy : Remove the needle by pulling the Coravin System straight up. The cork will reseal naturally and continue to protect the wine for many future pours to come.
Coravin Model Six Limited Edition Mica x 1
- Limited Edition Mica brings the layered, natural beauty of the earth to your kitchen or bar with a luxury finish, only available for the holidays.
Coravin Pure™ Capsules x 3
- Coravin Pure™ Capsules are filled with pure Argon gas, manufactured and inspected to ensure the highest level of preservation with no impact to the taste of your wine.
Coravin Screw Caps x 2
- The Coravin Screw Cap can be secured onto any screw cap bottle for use with all Coravin Needles. The self-sealing silicone protects wine up to three months.
Carry Case x 1
- The Coravin Carry Case features two inner pockets that conveniently fit Coravin Pure™ Capsules or the Coravin Aerator.