Domaine Faiveley Pommard

ประเทศ (Country) France
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 750 ml
ประเภทไวน์ (Wine Type) Red Wine
แคว้น (Wine Region) Burgundy
พันธุ์องุ่น (Grape Variety) Pinot Noir
ปี (vintage) 2017 [**VINTAGE MAY CHANGE]
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 13%
บอดี้ (Body)
Medium Medium Medium
แอซิดิตี้ (Acidity)
High High High
แทนนิน (Tannin)
Medium Medium Medium
A beautiful dark ruby colour. The nose gives off black fruit and spice aromas with woody and smoky notes. On first tasting, this wine shows itself to be powerful on the palate with tannins quite present but well blended in. As on the nose, we find pleasant woody notes from being raised in oak. This wine has fine structure and good long-lasting aromas and flavours, which give it interesting cellaring potential.

พันธุ์องุ่นผสม (Grape Blended)

Pinot Noir 100%

รสสัมผัส (Palate)

It has rich and very ripe substance, with fine round tannins. It's a very well-structured and pleasing wine.

สี (Colour)

Deep ruby red.

กลิ่น (Aroma)

This wine has pleasant, fresh, red fruit aromas on the nose, which we find again on the palate.

รสสัมผัส (Palate)

It has rich and very ripe substance, with fine round tannins. It's a very well-structured and pleasing wine.
จับคู่อาหาร (Wine Pairing)
:Soft Cheese
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