Fantini Gran Cuvee Bianco

ประเทศ (Country) Italy
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 750 ml
ประเภทไวน์ (Wine Type) Sparkling Wine
แคว้น (Wine Region) Abruzzo
พันธุ์องุ่น (Grape Variety) Others
ปี (vintage) NV
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 12%
บอดี้ (Body)
Light Light Light
แอซิดิตี้ (Acidity)
High High High
แทนนิน (Tannin)
Low Low Low
Brilliant straw yellow. Complex perfume, with hints of green citrus fruits and foral aromas. Elegant and persistent perlage. In the mouth, it’s elegant, mineral, fresh and well-balanced. It matches perfectly with all kinds of food, in particular with seafood. Good served as aperitif.

พันธุ์องุ่นผสม (Grape Blended)


รสสัมผัส (Palate)

Elegant and persistent perlage. In the mouth, it’s elegant, mineral, fresh and well-balanced.

สี (Colour)

Brilliant straw yellow.

กลิ่น (Aroma)

Complex perfume, with hints of green citrus fruits and foral aromas.

รสสัมผัส (Palate)

Elegant and persistent perlage. In the mouth, it’s elegant, mineral, fresh and well-balanced.


The grapes, from the oldest vineyards, are handpicked at their ripeness. After a careful selection, the berries are crushed and destemmed. Then the must stay in contact with the skins during a short cold maceration. After the static clarifcation, the must fermented in stainless steel tanks at 16-18°C. After 3 months fning on lees, according to the “Charmat” method, the base wine is fermented in small stainless steel pressure tanks (prise de mousse). Training system: pergola Abruzzese. Harvest: First week of September

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