Mystery Wine #2 Bordeaux Rouge (Set of 3)

ประเทศ (Country) France
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 750 ml
ประเภทไวน์ (Wine Type) Red Wine
แคว้น (Wine Region) Bordeaux
พันธุ์องุ่น (Grape Variety) Blended
ปี (vintage) 2022
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 13.5%
บอดี้ (Body)
Light Light Light
แอซิดิตี้ (Acidity)
Medium Medium Medium
แทนนิน (Tannin)
Low Low Low

The Château takes its name from the estate of the same name located in the most peripheral part of the Côtes de Blaye, in Bordeaux. A terroir that boasts gravelly, clayey and calcareous soils that provide excellent drainage and favor the concentration of substances in the grapes.

It is produced for the most part with Merlot grapes combined with Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc, all coming from vineyards with at least 30 years of age. A traditional vinification allows to highlight the enchanting depth of the fruit and the tannins that support


พันธุ์องุ่นผสม (Grape Blended)

Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon

รสสัมผัส (Palate)

In the mouth it is soft and mature, complex and evolved.

สี (Colour)

Intense garnet red in color.

กลิ่น (Aroma)

It shows hints of plum, blackberry and cassis on the nose, with pleasant hints of rose.

รสสัมผัส (Palate)

In the mouth it is soft and mature, complex and evolved.
จับคู่อาหาร (Wine Pairing)
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