Domaine Albert Mann Pinot Gris

ประเทศ (Country) France
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 750 ml
ประเภทไวน์ (Wine Type) White Wine
แคว้น (Wine Region) Alsace
พันธุ์องุ่น (Grape Variety) Pinot Grigio
ปี (vintage) 2022 [**VINTAGE MAY CHANGE]
บอดี้ (Body)
Light Light Light
แอซิดิตี้ (Acidity)
High High High
แทนนิน (Tannin)
Low Low Low
Bright, deeper yellow. The honeyed/roast nut aromas draw you in and then there is a lick of spicy pineapple. Full and rich on the palate with a touch of honey sweetness filling out the flavours and adding to the texture. For a wine with such lovely power it dances lightly on the finish!

พันธุ์องุ่นผสม (Grape Blended)

100% Pinot Gris

รสสัมผัส (Palate)

Full and rich on the palate with a touch of honey sweetness filling out the flavours and adding to the texture.

สี (Colour)

Bright, deeper yellow.

กลิ่น (Aroma)

The honeyed/roast nut aromas draw you in and then there is a lick of spicy pineapple.

รสสัมผัส (Palate)

Full and rich on the palate with a touch of honey sweetness filling out the flavours and adding to the texture.
จับคู่อาหาร (Wine Pairing)
:Soft Cheese
Bright, deeper yellow. The honeyed/roast nut aromas draw you in and then there is a lick of spicy pineapple. Full and rich on the palate with a touch of honey sweetness filling out the flavours and adding to the texture. For a wine with such lovely power it dances lightly on the finish!
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