Lambrini Sparkling Perry

13 มกราคม 2016
Posted in: Wine News
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Lambrini Sparkling Perry

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Lambrini Sparkling Perry

 Lambrini Sparkling Perry

What is “Perry” ? 

“Perry” is an alcoholic beverage produced from fermented “Perry pears”, unlike “wine” or “cider” which fermented from grapes and apples. Perry drink used good quality pear's juice from Perry pear trees that mostly growing up in United Kingdom and France, then fermented with special quality champagne yeast”. It comes with a light, refreshing, slightly sweet taste and slightly sparkling with less alcohol only 7.5%.


Lambrini Sparkling Perry
Lambrini Sparkling Perry

Lambrini Original Perry

“Lambrini” is the most famous perry beverage in UK, sales up to 40 million bottles a year, with its unique “sweet taste and delicate blend between softness and freshness” . Lambrini not only available just as a casual drink to freshen up your day but it is also a good pair with spicy asian dishes such as spicy curry, chili sauce, salad and sea food, etc.

You can enjoy Lambrini in any occasions, whether on a casual vacation or full fill in special meal, also mixed and create some Perry cocktail. (Click to see Perry cocktail recipe)


Lambrini Sparling Perry 

In addition, Lambrini is the first Perry beverage brand launch into Asia and Thailand is the first country in Asia to began to distribute. Click to see or order Lambrini Sparkling Perry here.







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