'S' series wine, a pride of Silverlake Vineyard

30 พฤษภาคม 2017
'S' series wine, a pride of Silverlake Vineyard
Posted in: Wine Basic
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By Wine Guru


Silverlake S Series "By Silverlake Vinyard Pattaya Thailand" S Series is born by by Mr. Surachai Tangjaitrong and Mrs. Supansa Nuangpirom through the dual passions of the owners: good wine and good music, in a beautifully cultivated garden setting. As the vineyard and gardens continue to develop, the founders aim to keep cultivating a destination in SILVERLAKE VINEYARD where they can truly share their passions… a unique destination where people are brought together to experience the special connection that only comes from the combination of beautiful nature, exciting new wines, delicious food, and great live performances.

Certainly, the good wine must be produced from good grape. “S” is made of grape from Adelaide, Australia, with high technology which can preserve the freshness of the grape as it is just handpicked from the grapevine. After arriving of grape from Australia to Thailand, it is handcrafted in the Silverlake Winery at Pattaya. The winemaking process is controlled by Australian winemaker and designed to have signature on their own.

Silverlake ‘S’ Series becomes a pride of Thai people, guaranteed the quality of those by Cathy Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2016 and IWSC 2017, London.

Silverlake ‘S’ Series, the new-latitude wine, is a good choice that wine lover shall not miss, with the concept “Silverlake ‘S‘ Series - Australian Grapes and handcrafted in Thailand”

Silverlake “S” Series have 5 labels: Silverlake S Series Cabernet Sauvignon, Silverlake S Series Shiraz, Silverlake S Series Sauvignon Blanc, Silverlake S Series Chardonnay, and Silverlake S Series Rose for you to freely pick and try out as you wish, if you are looking on good wine in a good price. Click here, Wine-now.asia. Try Silverlake “S” Series; you will love them!